To add a special personal touch for this Harry Potter super-fan bride, in the entry hallway leading guests to cocktails, we built a series of HP inspired vignettes in a few of the Equestrian Center’s vacant stables. As guests proceeded to cocktails, they could write a postcard to the bride and groom among an installation of flying postcards from the couple’s favorite travel destinations, explore a whimsical “Room of Requirement” to find a variety of knick-knacks and treasures related to the couple’s personal interests, or gaze upon an intricate paper silhouette of the couple constructed from the pages of one of the Harry Potter series.
Bay Harbor, Michigan
For their destination nuptials in upstate Michigan, this globe-trotting, music festival loving couple wanted to create a celebration that felt grand yet intimate, organic, and whimsical. Drawing from the bride and groom’s eclectic interests, we created a progressive celebration that revealed and reflected the couple’s unique personality with each stage of the festivities.
Beginning with an elegant and ethereal waterfront ceremony at the bride’s family lake home, we introduced a natural forest aesthetic that would flow through all the events of the evening. From the ceremony, guests were shuttled to nearby Bay Harbor Equestrian Center, where the center’s barn was transformed into a magical enchanted forest for cocktails and dinner, followed by a reception and after party recreation of the couple’s favorite festival, Electric Forest.

As guests enjoyed cocktails and dinner, the Harry Potter inspired touches continued creating moments of literal and metaphorical magic. At the center of cocktails, a stunning installation of winged keys took flight, rising from an escort card table where each guest escort card was accompanied by a small silver key of their own, and upon entering dinner, guests were greeted by a dazzling and bewitching overhead installation of thousands of floating candles providing a warm and sparkling atmosphere as enchanting as Hogwarts’ Great Hall.